Why Is My Face So Red?

Why Is My Face So Red?

Facial redness isn’t uncommon, and unfortunately, it can also be embarrassing. The problem: Lots of underlying issues can cause redness, and without knowing the precise cause, it can be difficult to get it under control.

At Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center, our team of dermatologists specializes in diagnostic and treatment techniques focused on treating the causes of skin redness. 

Here, we explain some of the most common causes of facial redness, along with the treatments we offer at our Washington, DC, practice.


Rosacea causes inflammation and redness or flushing in your skin. Some people develop tiny acne-like bumps. Most flushing happens on the cheeks and nose. Sometimes, rosacea causes eye-related symptoms, like burning and redness.

Rosacea symptoms appear worse during flare-ups, which can be triggered by outside factors, such as:

Keeping track of your flares can help you identify your triggers so you can take steps to avoid them. 

In addition to avoiding triggers, rosacea treatment typically involves medications and other therapies aimed at controlling symptoms. We also offer light therapy to treat tiny inflamed blood vessels and decrease flushing and redness.


Also called atopic dermatitis, eczema is another common inflammatory skin condition that can cause skin redness, along with patches of scaly, flaky, dry skin. Eczema patches can be itchy, and when scratched, they may ooze fluid. 

Often developing during childhood, eczema can affect people of any age. It tends to be more common among people with allergies or asthma, and among those who have a family history of eczema.

Because eczema weakens your skin's natural barrier, you should use gentle skin care products and moisturize your skin regularly. 

We offer eczema treatments featuring oral and injectable medications to relieve symptoms and promote healing, as well as light therapies and special dressings for severe symptoms.


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin condition that appears when your immune system causes your skin cells to replenish themselves too rapidly. As skin cells multiply, they migrate to the skin’s surface, creating red, itchy, scaly patches called plaques. 

Other forms of psoriasis cause red dots or rashes, or smooth patches of red located in skin folds.

Like many other skin conditions, psoriasis can have periods when symptoms are much worse. Although researchers don’t know what causes the faulty immune system reaction, it’s likely that genetics and environmental factors or triggers are at play.

We use a variety of psoriasis treatment options to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and prevent flare-ups. We may prescribe topical and oral medications, along with injections of special medications called biologics to calm your immune system. Light and laser therapies are also effective.


Also called spider veins, telangiectasias are tiny inflamed blood vessels that become especially visible in the thinner skin of your face. Grouped together, clusters of spider veins make your skin look flushed or irritated.

At Metroderm DC, we tailor treatments for facial blood vessels based on many factors, including the number of vessels and your skin type. Many of our patients respond well to sclerotherapy, which uses injections of special chemicals to dissolve spider veins. Intense pulsed light treatment can also be effective.

Other causes

Facial redness can appear for other reasons, too, including causes not directly related to skin conditions. 

Skin redness can be part of an allergic reaction, particularly a systemic reaction to foods or medications. In these instances, we may recommend switching medications or trying an alternative therapy, in addition to lab tests to assess the effects of the allergy.

Skin redness may be related to an underlying medical condition, like high blood pressure or lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disease. These are serious medical conditions that require prompt and ongoing medical treatment, so never ignore skin redness.

To learn what’s causing your recurrent or persistent redness and how we can help treat it, call 202-659-2223 or request an appointment online with our team at Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center today.

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