Why Now Is the Best Time to Start Laser Hair Removal

Why Now Is the Best Time to Start Laser Hair Removal

For people living in or around the nation’s capital, the warm months of summer are the best time for donning bathing suits and baring skin. But if you want your skin to look and feel its best when the warm weather returns, now is the time to take action.

That’s because winter is the ideal time to schedule laser hair removal treatments. 

At Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center, our master aesthetician and senior laser technician, Danielle Jackson, uses advanced laser technology to help women and men in Washington, DC, eliminate unwanted hair pretty much anywhere it crops up. 

Here’s why now is an ideal time to schedule your treatments.

How laser hair removal works

Lasers emit highly focused, precise beams of intense energy, making them perfect for all sorts of medical treatments, including laser hair removal. The precision of lasers means the hair removal device can treat each hair follicle individually, for highly effective results.

During treatment, we apply laser energy to each hair. Pigments in the hair transfer the energy to the hair-producing components of the hair follicle, damaging those components so hair growth is slowed or stopped entirely.

Hair growth occurs in phases, including an active growth phase, a dormant phase, and a shedding phase. For laser treatment to be effective, we need to treat hair follicles during their growth phase. 

Since individual hairs can be in different phases at any given time, you need a series of treatments spaced out over several weeks to ensure each hair is treated at the appropriate — and effective — time. 

The number of sessions will depend on your hair growth characteristics, but in general, you can expect to need 6-8 sessions spaced about 3-4 weeks apart.

Why winter is the best time for treatments

There’s no downtime after laser hair removal, but your skin is more sensitive after treatments. Since most people need a series of treatments to get the results they want, that means your skin will be sensitive for several weeks.

To protect your skin during its healing and recovery time, you need to avoid excess sun exposure. Winter makes this part of treatment easier for a couple of obvious reasons.

First, DC winters are cold — brutal, even. The temptation to wear shorts, short skirts, or other skin-baring clothing is pretty much nonexistent, which means it’s easier to keep your skin protected.

Second, there are far fewer hours of daylight. Even on sunny, somewhat warm days, the number of hours of potential sun exposure is limited, thanks to Mother Nature.

Finally, since you need a series of treatments over several weeks, scheduling those sessions now means your treatment will be completed — and your skin will be smooth — by the time summer returns. You’ll also have plenty of time for touchups in any areas that require additional attention.

Schedule laser hair removal today

Laser hair removal can give you the sleek, smooth, sexy skin you want, and scheduling now means you’ll be ready for summer. 

To start your laser hair removal treatment, call 202-659-2223 today or request an appointment online with us at Metroderm DC.

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