You Don't Have to Live with a Double Chin

A chubby chin might have looked cute when you were a toddler. But as a grownup, fat deposits under your chin can make you look heavier and older, and until recently, there wasn’t much you could do about it.
But along came Kybella®, an injectable solution that dissolves fat deposits under your chin. Since its introduction seven years ago, Kybella has soared in popularity. Now more than 130,000 Kybella treatments are performed each year in the United States, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
At Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center in Washington, DC, Edward H. Stolar, MD, and Todd E. Perkins, MD, offer innovative Kybella treatments to help women and men finally get rid of stubborn double chin fat deposits.
Here’s how they can help you.
How Kybella works
Introduced about seven years ago, Kybella is the only injectable product approved by the Food and Drug Administration to dissolve fat cells in the hard-to-treat area under your chin (also called the submental area).
Like other injectables, Kybella treatments are performed right in our office, without any need for anesthesia, incisions, or downtime afterward.
The Kybella solution is a proprietary formula based on an acid that occurs naturally in your body, deoxycholic acid. This acid is produced in your liver, and its main function is to dissolve fat in the foods you eat.
In Kybella, deoxycholic acid performs a similar function, but instead of dissolving and melting away the fat in the food you eat, it targets stubborn deposits of fat in your submental region.
The deoxycholic acid used in Kybella is a purified form of the acid produced in your liver. After the fat is dissolved, it’s eliminated naturally by your body — no need for liposuction.
Kybella treatment: What to expect
We perform Kybella injections right in our office in under an hour. Most people need about 20-40 injections in order to cover the entire chin area and achieve consistent, smooth results.
It sounds painful, but the needles are extremely thin, and we can apply a topical anesthetic first to numb the area.
Afterward, you can expect some mild redness and tenderness, along with a little swelling, all of which soon resolve. The Kybella solution goes to work immediately, breaking down fat cells so your body can get rid of them. Typically, it takes a couple weeks to see the final results.
Thanks to those thin needles, Kybella doses are very precise, which means you can have just the amount of fat reduction you’re looking for to achieve the contours you want.
In fact, if you have a significant amount of submental fat, you can have more than one series of injections to slim down that problem area.
Banish that chubby chin without surgery
Even slim, toned, fit people can have double chins, and that extra facial flab can add pounds and years to your appearance. Kybella helps you slim down that problem area without the cost and risks of surgery.
To learn more about Kybella treatment at Metroderm DC and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, call us at 202-659-2223 or book an appointment online today.
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