PRP For Hair Growth

Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center

Board-Certified Dermatologists & Aesthetic Dermatology located in Downtown DC, Washington, DC

Hair loss can be distressing for both women and men, but innovations in hair restoration have led to an exciting treatment option: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for hair growth. For those living near Washington, DC, Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center offers PRP treatments that can give you thicker, fuller hair. Get started by booking a consultation online or by phone today.

PRP for Hair Growth Q & A

Why is my hair thinning?

PRP Virtually everyone experiences some degree of hair loss at some point in their lives. There are several possible causes, some of which are in your control and others that are not.

Genetics plays a significant role in hair thinning for both women and men, so there is a higher risk level if you have a close family member who experienced thinning hair. Some additional causal factors include:

  • Age above 40
  • Hormonal fluctuations during puberty, menopause, or pregnancy
  • Thyroid disease
  • Secondary syphilis
  • Iron deficiency
  • anemia
  • Protein deprivation
  • Emotional trauma

 Hair loss can occur across your entire scalp or just in certain areas. The first step in treating hair loss is a thorough scalp examination and a discussion of your personal and family health history.

How can PRP help with hair growth?

Losing your hair prematurely can impact your self-esteem, whether you have a single thinning area or balding all over your scalp. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, injections in your scalp can help promote follicle healing and increase hair growth.

PRP involves a solution made from your blood to prompt new hair growth and prevent additional loss. You may have heard of PRP in applications for joint health. The same benefits can apply to hair restoration.

Your blood contains liquid and solid components. Plasma is the liquid that suspends solids. Platelets are the solids responsible for blood clotting function and also contain special proteins called growth factors. The growth factors in platelets work to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and prompt new hair cell development.

What can I expect during a PRP for hair growth treatment?

Creating the PRP solution involves drawing a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm and spinning it in a medical centrifuge. Once the solids are isolated, your provider can extract the platelets and place them back into the now-cleared plasma. That solution is drawn into a syringe and administered across your scalp through a series of shallow injections.

PRP can be combined with microneedling, a treatment that creates hundreds of tiny channels in your scalp. This approach allows the PRP to penetrate more deeply and also triggers your body’s natural healing response.

When you’re ready to explore these hair restoration options in greater detail, book a visit at Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center. Online scheduling is available, or you can call the office to set up your appointment.