Virtue RF



Yes, it’s true your RF Microneedling skin renewal system has arrived, in a single platform! With the ability to target unwanted scars, acne scarring and wrinkles, and skin laxity.

In response to highly sought after, minimally invasive treatments, VIRTUE RF allows patients to combat the fine lines and wrinkles that have set in, in addition to unwanted scars, including acne. With virtually zero down time, aesthetic experts, coupled with the most advanced RF Microneedling platform available, you’ll enjoy ‘filter free’ and ‘make-up’ free photos in short order.

VIRTUE RF is the newest generation of radio frequency microneedling, with FDA-clearance for your safety. Metroderm DC is the first to offer this minimally-invasive treatment that helps stimulate natural production of collagen in DC. The VIRTUE RF also treats unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, while tightening and toning the face, neck, hands, and body.

Offering a truly comfortable patient experience via VIRTUE RF’s precise robotic motor the treatment is unmatched to comparative devices you’ll find in the market. The VIRTUE RF experience includes the use of a compounded numbing cream and a tandem first in market electro current post treatment mask to ensure an unprecedented recovery and absence of visible evidence that you had a treatment today. Results are immediate and improve as time passes, providing the best of both worlds.

Book your consultation for more information on Virtue RF


Exciting News
from MetrodermDC!

Now you can remove your acne scarring or tighten that lax skin around your jowls and neck with no pain and no social downtime!
Please Call 202-659-2223 today!



The innovative treatment

Metroderm DC is excited to offer our patients VIRTUERF, the newest generation of radio frequency microneedling, with FDA-clearance for your safety. This minimally-invasive treatment helps stimulate natural production of collagen and tighten skin with minimal to no downtime. It is a virtually painless with only topical numbing cream, yet it aggressively treats wrinkles and fine lines, for the face, neck, hands, and body and is the established leader in acne scar treatment.
Offering a truly comfortable patient experience, the VIRTUERF treatment is unmatched in comfort and results.


More exciting news
from Metroderm DC!

Drs. Stolar, Perkins and Gonzalez and Master Aesthetician Danielle are thrilled to be amongst the first to offer CoolPeel laser treatments!

Reveal healthier, younger-looking skin, without the down time of Standard CO2 lasers. MetrodermDC is introducing the new CoolPeel treatment! Please Call 202-659-2223 today!

A CO2 Laser Treatment just became a lot cooler. Introducing Coolpeel ®

✔ Reduce fine lines
✔ Minimize sun damage
✔ Decreases pore size and appearance
✔ Improve skin texture
✔ Without any real downtime


Drs. Stolar, Perkins and Gonzalez are thrilled to be amongst the first to offer CoolPeel laser treatments! CoolPeel is an innovative way to safely, and comfortably, deliver the benefits of a traditional CO2 resurfacing treatment. By targeting only the superficial layer of skin tissue, damaged skin is removed, revealing younger and healthier looking skin. CO2 lasers have long been the gold standard in treating wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. Traditional CO2 treatments however, have long been associated with considerable downtime. The precision and the control of the CoolPeel allows us to get the skin resurfacing benefits of CO2 without downtime and risk.


Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center
900 17th Street, NW, Suite 300
Downtown DC

Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-659-2223
Fax: 202-659-0289

Office Hours

Get in touch
